Welcome to the little piece of dirt, we call our home! We are a farm family that spends our time growing things: our family, our bison, our garden and our knowledge. We strive to influence our children with hard work, a positive outlook, faith in God, and a lot of love. We fell madly in love and as days turned into months, and months turned into years, we found ourselves in a place we didn’t intend on going and we are so glad we are there! Join us on this ever changing journey, go ahead graze around!
With our trough half full,
The Steeles

“What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”

The Bison is an American icon, who roamed the plains in herds numbering in the millions, are native to our country and are one of the most fascinating gifts to our Earth. The bison provides a red meat that is naturally leaner, and higher in protein than most other meats. It will supply you with an amazing amount of Omega 3’s, iron, protein and other minerals, while being low in cholesterol, fat and calories. It is basically a super-meat!

We say No to: Antibiotics, Hormones, GMO’s, Unnecessary handling, Inhumane treatment and living conditions.
We say Yes to: Grass, Pasture, Sustainable Farming and Ranching Practices, Continued Education, Continued Improvement, Health, Honesty, & Doing the best we can to provide our family and our customers with healthy meat that comes from healthy, happy and humanely treated bison.
It is our duty, and goal to give our bison the best quality of life that we possibly can, and happy, healthy bison are essential to our second goal: To provide our customers with top quality, great tasting meat, that is raised without the use of antibiotics, hormones, or GMO’s.

We have great respect for the American Bison, who roamed these plains for
thousands of years before our arrival, and we embrace our responsibility to be
good stewards of them and the land.
They are wild animals, so we try to be as hands off as possible, which means no
unnecessary handling. Our bison are raised here from birth, and usually number
around one hundred head. Our small scale allows us to pay greater attention to
detail and ensures that no bison will ever feel crowded here. Our breeding stock
have access to pasture year round, they spend the warmer months out grazing on
pasture, then during winter are fed hay closer to the farmyard where there is more
shelter from the wind, and straw bedding is provided. The pasture gates are left
open so they can roam or run as much as they please.